In a vertical row four big, precisely drawn Salor Güls are allocated on a brown main filed. As secondary Gül one find on the right and left side halves of the Redsheb Gül. Surrounded is the main filed with Kedshebes. The vine-red ground main border is bu ...
A squarish camel coloured mainfield contends a single Kotschak motive. Brown, serrated triangles, which imitate the plane weave technique in Sofrehs, towers from the mainfiled surrounding Kotschak border into the camel couloured field. A mightful Ovadan ...
The blue coloured main filed takes only bit more than one third of the rug’s width. This allows only one vertical row of “Nakshe Kalamdani” güls. Each contents a small tree (of life) with some nice white flowers. On right and left the main field ends with ...
On a dark blue ground a lattice divides the main field into octagons. Small diamonds build the lattice lines which cross in a box, each of it contains a Tengedshik. The octagons,which form diamonds, are each filled with an Ali-Akbar-Khani-motive. Its col ...
This rug has a bigger size than most of the Baluch rugs. A vertical row built from three and a half "animal-tree-motives", normally seen in bags, lie on the red-brown main filed. Each of the animal-tree-motive contains a white ground octago ...
On a camel coloured main field the weaver set eight vertical “steams” designed with two different kind of Guyjak (diagonal and horizontal). Seven of he “steams” are separated in vertical with Darak motive, the eight Steam with half of it. In other view t ...
On a purple-red main field Schelpes, which include each a Meder star, build, because of its different colouration, diagonal rows from upper right to lower left. Most of Baluch rugs have diagonal rows in this composition. Main border is designed with the ...
Three Latch-hook-motives allocated in a vertical row lie on the brown main field from this rug. The space between this motives is filled with Ashiks, half of Ashiks and Tengedshiks. All Ashiks contains a diamond which includ a cross. Same Askik design&nbs ...